Special measures for those affected by the novel coronavirus (COVID‑19)
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada has put special measures to assist those affected by the novel coronavirus (COVID‑19). This applies to you if you are: a Chinese, Iranian or South [...]
Advisory Notice – COVID-19
The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) continues to actively monitor developments related to COVID-19, and has been striving to both protect the health and well-being of its staff and [...]
CCR joins protests against North America’s withdrawal from refugee protection
From the Canadian Council for Refugees: https://ccrweb.ca/en/media/north-america-withdrawal-refugee-protection 2 August 2019 The Canadian Council for Refugees expressed alarm today at North [...]
Canada takes action to protect vulnerable individuals
Many vulnerable individuals fear losing their status to stay in Canada. As a result, they stay in abusive job conditions or relationships. In order to protect and let them reunite with family, [...]